Source code for

from import fits
from astropy import log
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.nddata import support_nddata
from astropy.wcs import wcs
from astropy.table.table import Table

from import Data

def remove_superfluous(data, wcs=None, mask=None, unit=None,meta=None, restfrq=None):
    if data.shape[0] == 1:"Removing superfluous dimension "+wcs.axis_type_names[wcs.naxis - 1]+" (kept in the metadata)")
        cs=wcs.dropaxis(wcs.naxis - 1)
        if mask is not None:

[docs]def HDU_to_Data(hdu): """ Create an N-dimensional dataset from an HDU component. Parameters ---------- hdu : HDU object HDU to transform into an N-dimensional dataset. Returns ------- result: astropy.nddata.NDDataRef with data from the HDU object. """ hdu.verify("fix") data = meta = hdu.header mask = np.isnan(data) # Hack to correct wrong uppercased units generated by CASA try: bscale = meta['BSCALE'] except KeyError: bscale = 1.0 try: bzero = meta['BZERO'] except KeyError: bzero = 0.0 try: bsu = meta['BUNIT'] bsu = bsu.lower() bsu = bsu.replace("jy", "Jy") bunit = u.Unit(bsu, format="fits") except KeyError: bunit = u.Unit("u.Jy/u.beam") rem_list = [] for i in meta.items(): if i[0].startswith('PC00'): rem_list.append(i[0]) for e in rem_list: meta.remove(e) mywcs = wcs.WCS(meta) data = data * bscale + bzero # Create astropy units #if len(data.shape) == 4: # Put data in physically-meaninful values, and remove stokes # TODO: Stokes is removed by summing (is this correct? maybe is averaging?)"4D data detected: assuming RA-DEC-FREQ-STOKES (like CASA-generated ones), and dropping STOKES") # data = data.sum(axis=0) * bscale + bzero # mask = np.logical_and.reduce(mask,axis=0) # mywcs = mywcs.dropaxis(3) #elif len(data.shape) == 3: #"3D data detected: assuming RA-DEC-FREQ") # #elif len(data.shape) == 2: #"2D data detected: assuming RA-DEC") # data = data * bscale + bzero #else: # log.error("Only 3D data allowed (or 4D in case of polarization)") # raise TypeError return remove_superfluous(Data(data, uncertainty=None, mask=mask, wcs=mywcs, meta=meta, unit=bunit))
[docs]def HDU_to_Table(hdu): """ Create a data table from a HDU component. Parameters ---------- hdu : HDU object HDU to transform into a data table. Returns ------- result: astropy.table.Table with data from the HDU. """ log.warning("FITS Table ---> AstroPy Table not implemented Yet")
# return atable.ATable(,meta=hdu.header)
[docs]def Table_to_HDU(tab): """ Create a HDU object from a data table. Parameters ---------- tab : astropy.table.Table Table to transform into a HDU object. Returns ------- result: HDU object with data from the data table. """ # if # dtmp = [col.filled(None) for col in six.itervalues(self.columns)] hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(np.array(tab)) if tab.meta is not None: for k, v in tab.meta.items(): hdu.header[k] = v return hdu
[docs]def Data_to_HDU(cube, primary=False): """ Create a HDU object from an N-dimensional dataset. Parameters ---------- cube : numpy.ndarray or astropy.nddata.NDData or or astropy.nddata.NDDataRef Astronomical data cube. primary : bool Whether to pick the primary or an image HDU. Returns ------- result: HDU object with data from the data cube. """ header = cube.wcs.to_header() if primary == True: hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(, header=header) else: hdu = fits.ImageHDU(, header=header) if cube.meta is not None: for k, v in cube.meta.items(): hdu.header[k] = v return hdu
[docs]def load_fits(filePath, primary = False): """ Loads a FITS file and converts it into an N-Dimensional Dataset. Parameters ---------- filepath : path of the FITS file. primary : bool if True it gets only primmary data-cube. Returns ------- Primary NDData image or astropy table, and/or: N-Dimensional Datasets and Astropy Tables lists """ if primary == True: hdulist =, lazy_load_hdus=True)'Processing PrimaryHDU Object 0') hduobject = hdulist[0] if hduobject is None: log.error('FITS PrimaryHDU is None') raise ValueError('FITS PrimaryHDU is None') NDData = HDU_to_Data(hduobject) hdulist.close() return NDData else: NDData_list = [None] Table_list = [] hdulist = for counter, hdu in enumerate(hdulist): if isinstance(hdu, fits.PrimaryHDU) or isinstance(hdu, fits.ImageHDU):"Processing HDU " + str(counter) + " (Image)") try: ndd = HDU_to_Data(hdu) if isinstance(hdu, fits.PrimaryHDU): NDData_list[0] = ndd primary = ndd else: NDData_list[0] = None except TypeError: + " (Image) wasn't an Image") if isinstance(hdu, fits.BinTableHDU): table = HDU_to_Table(hdu) Table_list.append(table) if NDData_list[0] is None: if len(NDData_list) == 0: primary = Table_list[0] else: del NDData_list[0] primary = NDData_list[0] return primary, NDData_list, Table_list